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Expression that says love is full of power also applies to health. New research shows increase passionate love in life can make a more slender body, the face will look younger, uplifting in any case, the self-confidence increases and prevent a number of diseases. According to one scientist, everything that evokes feelings of love and intimacy was efficacious cure. A study showed that people who are in a relationship that is intimate and full of affection 5 times less likely to suffer from a serious illness. And many other things caused by love. Here's the discussion:


a Scottish study suggests that women who have sex with her husband three times a week look 10 years younger than those who did not. This happens because DHEA, an adrenal hormone that helps increase the formation of new skin cells and collagen fresh skin tightening. Research shows that having sex with her husband only one night can trigger an increase in blood levels of DHEA skin savior to 300% for several hours afterward.

all women need to look at life as a unified whole, and if something goes wrong, immediately look for the solution. Do not forget to smile. smile cause physiological changes that not only make the body function better physically and mentally, but also help prevent disease or speed up the healing process. smile relaxes muscles and increases blood 

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