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Breast swelling, tenderness or pain each month? A new research reveals, changing diet can overcome this inconvenience.

PREVENT cystAccording to Duke University Study - Women are vulnerable cyst-one source of non cancer breast pain for more than half of women at one time - which reduces the caffeine and chocolate, 61% experienced a reduction in pain is so meaningful. Coffee, tea and chocolate containing methyl-xanthines, a natural stimulant that encourages the growth of cysts

Salt iodine-rich seaweed is a delicious low-sodium alternative. A new research shows, increases iodine overcome breast pain in women with cysts. Iodine inhibits estrogen binding to cells of the breast tissue, a common cause of breast cysts.
Women who get the most omega-3 fatty acids, abundant in flaxseed, walnuts and oily fish, 67% are less likely to suffer from non-cancerous cysts than those eating the least. Omega-3 prevents the body from producing prostaglandins, chemicals that cause inflamsi that can cause cysts.

Eat watermelon, cucumber, celery, parsley or drinking the dandelion. Everything including natural diuretic which helps the body remove excess fluid, which are due to relieve discomfort sensitive breast tissue. This step helps in the days before menstruation, when hormone changes increased fluid retention.

INHIBIT ESTROGENOne recent study showed, mengonsumsumsi vegetables that have been steamed first increase levels of indole-3 carbinol, a compound that protects the breast from estrogen, a common trigger monthly breast pain. In fact, experts say, the protective efficacy of these compounds are very potent estrogen. Eat can lower your risk of breast cancer.

REDUCE FAT = REDUCE HOSPITALLimiting fat meat and dairy products to overcome breast pain. Both contain a lot of saturated fat that triggers the 3 things at once, namely: increased inflammation, aggravate fluid retention, and increased levels of estrogen.
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